
Did you know that the Great Lakes are the biggest freshwater source in the world? Lake Erie is the most productive for fishing of all the Great Lakes. Your support helps make our streams clean, clear and healthy so they can support this complex ecosystem. By donating to PCS, you help us reach our goals of restoring rivers that lead to Lake Erie beaches that promote fishable and swimmable conditions for generations.

Support PCS - Donate Now!

Storm Drain Marking Volunteers remind citizens to reduce pollution in Storm Drains

Since April of this year, Partners for Clean Streams organized 145 volunteers who marked 926 storm drains and distributed 1,987 educational flyers in the greater Toledo area. Volunteers marked storm drains in various communities with the phrase “Drains are for Rain, Flows to Waterway,” through Partners for Clean Streams’ Give Water a Hand Program. Thousands of homes also received door hangers explaining the significance of keep these drains clear of debris and free of household chemicals, oils, fertilizers, lawn clippings, leaves, and animal waste. Fertilizers and animal waste, in particular, increase the nutrients flowing into our streams and eventually into Lake Erie.

The Lucas County Engineers Office, as part of the Storm Water Utility, recently organized a Storm Drain Marking outing this summer. During this event, 50 Boy Scouts stenciled the message on over 400 storm drains, informing citizens that the storm drains flow directly to the nearest body of water without being filtered. They also left educational door hangers and tip cards with hundreds of homeowners. Ultimately, this program helped citizens take action at home to reduce nutrients, chemicals, and trash from entering our rivers and lakes.

Volunteer groups can still participate in Storm Drain Marking this fall by contacting Partners for Clean Streams directly. Groups will then be matched with the appropriate affiliate for the city. All equipment and training is provided. More information can be found at Thank you to the volunteers who helped reduce nutrients and other pollution in our waterways this year!

Clean Your StreamsDon’t forget to register for the 18th Annual Clean Your Streams Day on Saturday, September 20th, 2014! We are getting ready for our largest, most productive Clean Your Streams event to date and we need to know if you will be joining us. Your last chance to register is Wednesday, September 10th, so don’t delay! With your help, we can make a positive difference on the dozens of miles of stream banks in the greater Toledo area, covering 5 different major watersheds. Over the last seventeen years, our volunteers have removed over 90 tons of trash from these waters. After a morning of cleaning, volunteers join us at the Appreciation Picnic for a thank you lunch, door prizes, Challenge Competition Awards (including the new Change for Change Competition), and much more! If you are already planning on joining us for the largest river cleanup in the area, follow us on Twitter at @PCSMaumee by using #CYS18, and join the 18th Annual Clean Your Streams Facebook event!


Register Now to make a huge impact in your local waterways as a volunteer or site captain by September 10th. Don't for get to sign the required liability form! And to be part of something bigger -- part of an international cleanup, part of improving aesthetics in the Area of Concern (a program to cleanup important Great Lakes areas), and part of taking care of your community. See you in the streams!

Bend One Educational Sign

Even though habitat and lake restoration was completed almost two years ago, work has not stopped at Camp Miakonda. Throughout the summer, Cub Scouts and visitors of all ages have been guided around Lake Sawyer, along the Ottawa River, and next to the tributaries, by eight educational signs. Each sign describes part of the camp’s history, our habitat restoration techniques, and native plants and animals. These signs encourage interactive education and instill a greater awareness of the camp’s thriving wetlands, streams, river, and lake. Next time you are out at camp, check out the signs. We imagine you'll learn something interesting!


Scouts will soon be able to take their own samples of the river and check out the variety of macroinvertebrates living in the river with sampling kits we will provide, including kick seine nets, sampling jars, identification cards, and more. By sampling the insects that live in the river bed, Scouts can learn about the overall health of the stream, while exploring and better understanding the ecology of the camp. We have been working with our plant, insect, and stream experts to monitor the tributaries and river health. So far, the results are looking positive. We will continue to monitor the health of the river, while watching insect populations grow and plants establishing themselves along the banks. Many Scouts, and other visitors, will surely enjoy Camp Miakonda’s beautiful educational area this fall and for many seasons to come.

Currents: September 2014

Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the long run. Every penny goes a long way in protecting your water.




Change for Change


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Patrick Lawrence, Ph.D.
President of Board
Maumee RAC Chair
Associate Professor, University of Toledo


Tim Schetter
Vice President / Secretary
Director of Natural Resources, Metroparks of the Toledo Area


Colleen Dooley
Attorney, Private Practice


Terry Shankland
Board Member
CEO, Shankland's Catering


Andrew Curran
Board Member
Assistant Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America


Shawn Reinhart
Board Member
Environmental Manager, Johns Manville


Philip Blosser
Board Member
Market Development Manager
Perstorp Polyols

Partners for Clean Streams Inc. is striving for abundant open space and a high quality natural environment; adequate floodwater storage capacities and flourishing wildlife; stakeholders who take local ownership in their resources; and rivers, streams and lakes that are clean, clear and safe