miakonda dredging

Work continues at Camp Miakonda as we move past the first month of on-the-ground implementation. River work is nearly complete after the installation of Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (LPSTP), Bendway Weirs, Locked Logs, Living Dykes and hundreds of native plants along 655 feet of the Ottawa. These structures are designed to reduce the impact and erosion the Ottawa River exhibits on its own banks. Dave Derrick (Army Corp of Engineers) joined the crews on site while construction on the Ottawa River took place to oversee the installation of these important structures. Derrick had a large input in the preliminary designs of the project and Partners for Clean Streams is thankful that he joined us for the implementation of these plans.

Lake Sawyer dredging and excavation continues on schedule. A temporary road is being installed as the excavators continue to remove some of the 80 years of sediment that has been deposited in the lake. So far, an estimated 4,504 cubic yards of sediment have been removed from the lake in 563 truckloads.  Excavated areas in the lake will vary from four feet to a maximum depth of eight feet, resulting in ideal conditions for fish wintering and improved sustainability.  In addition, wetland shelves bordering the islands and shoreline will help stabilize the lake banks, collect sediment and clean the water as it filters into the lake. Restoration of Hartman and Cunningham ditches, with wetland plants and stabilized banks, will also filter sediments and nutrients before the water empties into Lake Sawyer, further reducing sediment loads.

The outflow channel connecting Lake Sawyer to the Ottawa River will be one of the last pieces completed in this phase of the project. The outflow channel will allow Lake Sawyer to re-connect to the Ottawa River during storm events. An existing wetland along Sylvania Avenue will also flood, allowing water to flow back into the Ottawa River. Areas like this in a watershed that can flood, without impacting homes or businesses, help hold onto flood waters until the Ottawa recedes. The outflow channel will also allow Lake Sawyer to exhibit a constant churn and flow, resulting in increased amounts of recycled oxygen and a higher quality of plant and freshwater life.  The proposed start time for the channel reconstruction will be the week of October 21st. We are looking forward to finishing this important piece of the project.

The construction at Camp is slated to end in early November this year. The project will continue next year with monitoring, evaluations, educational signage, and further plantings. Partners for Clean Streams is planning on utilizing as much volunteer help as possible with the follow-up plantings and other upkeep. Keep an eye open for volunteer opportunities in early 2013 on both our website and newsletter.