We Challenge You!

    It is that time of year again to round up the troops and promote clean, clear, and safe waters in your local community. Clean Your Streams (CYS) is bigger and better than ever, celebrating its 19th year of successfully removing debris from streams, river banks, and watersheds in Toledo and surrounding areas. And we strive […]

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    New Grant to Expand Clean Your Streams Program

    National Fish and Wildlife Foundation recently awarded us a highly competitive Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant to partially support Clean Your Streams and to expand the prevention side of the program in 2016. Our grant was one of only 64 awards made nationally and the only one in Ohio. This grant program requires […]

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    Clean Your Streams Registration is Open

    Tired of all the trash along the streams? Be part of the solution with the 19th Annual Clean Your Streams Day event, northwest Ohio’s largest river cleanup! Registration is now open. The excitement starts with check-in between 8:00-8:30am. A brief orientation begins at 8:30am followed by cleanup instructions, safety tips and supply distribution. Following that, […]

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    The Maumee Reminds us of Her Might (again)

    By Kris Patterson The Mighty Maumee. A nickname well earned over the last year or so. The last year has been one for the record books – especially when it relates to water in many forms and in many ways. Since January of 2014, the Toledo region has had record snowfalls and bizarre ice events […]

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    Love for the River turns into Internship

    My name is Ali Luedtke and I joined the Partners for Clean Streams team this summer as an intern. I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to get some real world experience working in the environment and organizing events. In past years through the ZooTeen Program, I was able to attend […]

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    Clean Your Streams 365, a new clean twist

    Are you tired of waiting for Clean Your Streams Day? Now you can do your own cleanup whenever you want with our new program: Clean Your Streams 365! With funding from the Toledo Community Foundation and a Litter Grant from the Ohio EPA, we are specifically targeting river sites that need more frequent cleaning than […]

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    Our Rivers Need a Helping Hand

    Do you want to help out your local community in a fun and exciting way? Join PCS on July 14th from 6-8pm and July 28th from 5-8pm for “Get the Lead Out!” It’s a cleanup program that allows volunteers to have a clear and direct impact on improving wildlife habitat in and around the river […]

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    Register for the 19th Annual Clean Your Streams Day, Sept. 19th 2015

    Tired of all the trash along the streams? Be part of the solution with the 19th Annual Clean Your Streams Day event, northwest Ohio’s largest river cleanup! Registration is now open. The excitement starts with check-in between 8:00-8:30am. A brief orientation begins at 8:30am followed by cleanup instructions, safety tips and supply distribution. Following that, […]

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