Join the Team!

    We are looking for a dynamic leader with excellent organizational skills to join us part-time as a Program Coordinator! Some of the responsibilities include volunteer management, leading programming (like our stream cleanups), and educational outreach. The application period has been extended through March 7th at midnight. Find the full job description and how to apply […]

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    Happy World Wetlands Day!

    On February 2nd we celebrate wetlands and their enormous benefits to our water quality. They harbor rich biodiversity, help with floodwater storage, and help provide nutrient filtration for our rivers. In Northwest Ohio, we have an extra reason to celebrate because we live in the Great Black Swamp. Pre-drainage, this extensive nearly one-million-acre glacial-fed wetland, […]

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    Glass City Marathon

    For the sixth year running, Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) will support the “Green Team” at the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon in April. In 2019, the Green Team recycled almost 3,000 pounds of cardboard, glass, aluminum, plastic, heat sheets, Gu packs, and more!  Most of our work will be “behind-the-scenes” leading up to the […]

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    Microplastics in the Maumee

    Less than 5mm in diameter plastic pieces flow effortlessly throughout our waterways; microplastics are known as a danger to marine life and hinder our water quality. Studies throughout the years have found that there are as many if not more microplastics in freshwater rivers and lakes than in the ocean. The Great Lakes are the […]

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