On Monday June 10th, 13 BSA Scouts earned their Citizenship in the Community Merit badges after completing a day marking storm drains in Sylvania Township! Check out some pictures of them in action on our Facebook page!

This dedicated group of Scouts from the Erie Shores Council embarked on a meaningful community initiative. Their mission was to educate Sylvania residents about the importance of maintaining storm drains solely for rainwater by keeping them clear of various pollutants such as debris, leaves, grass clippings, oil, and even dog waste—ensuring that only rain flows into the drains.

PCS came together with these scouts and their troop leader, our very own Board President Bob Neubert, to complete an 8-hour day of engaging with and educating the community on stormwater! Throughout the day, these Scouts diligently stenciled a total of 398 catch basins across several neighborhoods. Additionally, they distributed over 1,450 educational door tags to households, providing essential information on how residents can contribute to cleaner waterways in their region.

Their efforts go beyond mere community service; they actively contribute to the preservation of our local water systems, reducing the impact of marine debris and pollution. Moreover, their involvement in this project contributes significantly to their personal development, as it serves as part of their journey towards earning the Citizenship in the Community merit badge—an achievement that recognizes their commitment to civic responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Through their hard work and dedication, these Scouts not only educate but also inspire positive change within their community, fostering a cleaner and healthier environment for all. Their initiative exemplifies the values of leadership, responsibility, and environmental awareness that are central to the scouting movement.

Thank you, Scouts, for furthering the PCS mission of clean, clear, and safe water for us all!