With more clean-ups and CYS 28 on the horizon, we wanted to put together a quick refresher on the Clean Swell App to help you easily record and submit your waterway clean-up data!

The Ocean Conservancy’s Clean Swell acts as a digital version of a data card, allowing you to track marine debris with a few simple taps on your smartphone. It records the amount of trash you’ve removed, estimates the weight, tracks the total distance cleaned, and lets you earn badges as you go.

Here are the basic steps to follow for your next clean-up!

  1. Download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and create your profile.
    1. When you’re at your clean-up site, open the app and select “Start New Clean-Up.”
      1. If you’re participating in Clean Your Streams’ remote kickoff, name your group “CYS 28 – [Your Group Name].”
      1. For clean-ups done at other times of the year, we recommend using “CYS 365 – [Your Group Name]” to let us know you’re connected with us!
    1. As you begin your clean-up, trash is categorized into item types with tappable tiles. Tap the tile corresponding to the trash you pick up. If you’re working solo, you might find it helpful to first walk through the area, tapping tiles for all visible trash, then return to collect it.
    1. Once your clean-up is complete and you’re still on-site, select “Finish this cleanup” at the bottom of the screen and submit your data.

That’s all there is to it! Happy clean-up!