For years, challenges have been a thrilling aspect of our waterway clean-up efforts. Whether you’re organizing a youth group, a college team, a business or nonprofit organization, or just gathering some friends and family, we have a challenge designed for you.

When you sign up for Clean Your Streams, you’ll receive more details, but here’s a preview of the CYS Challenges we have in store. The full challenge packet for CYS 28 is also available in a PDF version here!

Photo Challenges

Open to both individuals and groups, these challenges encourage you to capture your clean-up efforts:

  • Best Before-and-After: Show us the difference you made with a stunning before-and-after photo.
  • Strangest Find: Did you discover something unusual? Snap a picture to share your unique find!

Submit your photos on Twitter and Instagram @PCSMaumee, on Facebook by searching for Partners for Clean Streams, or use #CleanYourStreams419. You can also email your entries to [email protected]. PCS staff will review the submissions and choose the winners.

Recognition for Organizations

At your kickoff, inform your Kickoff Coordinator of your group’s name and the number of participants, or sign in at the Challenge table at the picnic. After CYS Day, your group will be honored with a River Partner Certification and featured on the PCS website and other materials. Recognition categories include:

  • Watershed Warrior: 50+ volunteers
  • River Guardian: 30-49 volunteers
  • Stream Protector: 10-29 volunteers
  • Creek Crusader: 1-9 volunteers

Youth Challenges

Youth Challenges are designed for groups where most participants are under 18. Perfect for scout troops, after-school clubs, youth sports teams, or religious youth groups. To participate, pick up a challenge entry from your Kickoff Coordinator on Clean Your Streams Day or at the picnic. Submit your results at the volunteer appreciation picnic, where winners will be announced:

  • Most Volunteers: For the group with the highest number of CYS participants.
  • Battle of the Bags: For the group that fills the most trash bags.
  • Awesome Effort: For the group with the largest average number of bags collected per participant.

Collegiate Challenges

Ideal for service organizations, Greek life, school clubs, or groups of friends at colleges. To participate, clearly list your group name on the data card(s) you submit during Clean Your Streams Day. We’ll use this information to determine challenge winners and will contact the winners after CYS Day, plus acknowledge them on social media. Two photo-based challenges are also available:

  • Most Volunteers: For the group with the most CYS participants.
  • Battle of the Bags: For the group that fills the most trash bags.
  • Awesome Effort: For the group that collects the most food wrappers, now the top removed trash item.
  • Best Before-and-After Collegiate: For the most impactful before-and-after photo.
  • Strangest Find Collegiate: For the most unusual items found and documented with a photo.

CYS 28 is just around the corner, don’t forget to sign up!