My Adventure as a PCS Intern

    By Casey Fuleky As I write this letter, I am finishing up my last day as an Outreach Intern here at Partners for Clean Streams. Since I first began my internship in May, my knowledge and appreciation regarding clean, clear, and safe water has vastly expanded. Assisting with tasks such as designing Clean Your Streams […]

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    Double your donation on Giving Tuesday!

    Want to support our work towards clear, clean, and safe water, especially after the local water crisis this summer? Thinking of when to give your annual donation or pay your yearly dues to PCS?  Do it on December 2nd, or Giving Tuesday and the Toledo Community Foundation and the Center for Nonprofit Resources will match […]

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    Save the Date for the Maumee RAP Summit

    The 2014 Maumee AOC Fall/Winter Summit will be held on Thursday, December 4th from 9:30am to 12:30pm at the Jazel Leadership Center at Camp Miakonda at 5600 W Sylvania Ave, in Toledo. Come check out the brand new building at Camp and learn about the upcoming direction for the Area of Concern program and the […]

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    Don’t miss the Annual General Meeting!

    Join us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday, November 17, as we celebrate the success of 2014 at the Ward Pavilion in Wildwood Metropark. There will be an optional tour given by Metropark staff of one of the areas undergoing habitat restoration under our Maumee Corps work that PCS and the Metroparks of the […]

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    In the Media 2014

    Clean Your Streams 18 coverage NBC Channel 24 – Volunteers clean up Toledo Rivers (aired 9/20/14) The Toledo Blade – Volunteers purge trash from Water (printed 10/7/14) DGL Website – DGL supports Clean Your Streams

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    Dog Crates, Purple Capes and Tires, Oh my!

    Clean Your Streams Was A Huge Success and We Owe It All to You! We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their efforts in making OUR streams clean! The PCS Staff and CYS Planning Team are incredibly happy with the results of the 18th Annual Clean Your Streams Day, which would have been unreachable without […]

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    Camp Miakonda Education Continues

    Even though habitat and lake restoration was completed almost two years ago, work has not stopped at Camp Miakonda. Throughout the summer, Cub Scouts and visitors of all ages have been guided around Lake Sawyer, along the Ottawa River, and next to the tributaries, by eight educational signs. Each sign describes part of the camp’s […]

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