Thank You to our CYS 28 Sponsors!

    It truly takes a village to sustain Clean Your Streams for 28 years, and we’re excited to shine a spotlight on the sponsors who make our programs possible. We also want to share ways you can support our mission throughout the year. First, a big thank you to our returning grant funder. For the last […]

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    Clean Swell App Crash Course

    With more clean-ups and CYS 28 on the horizon, we wanted to put together a quick refresher on the Clean Swell App to help you easily record and submit your waterway clean-up data! The Ocean Conservancy’s Clean Swell acts as a digital version of a data card, allowing you to track marine debris with a […]

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    Why CYS Day Happens

    We are so excited that the 28th Annual Clean Your Streams Day is almost here! The work done on this day is important, but so is the educational piece. Read on to learn about the beginnings of marine debris. Most of the trash in our Great Lakes doesn’t originate from boats. Marine debris begins on […]

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    Lake Erie Awareness Day

    Lake Erie Awareness Day is Thursday August 8th. Celebrate our greatest water resource by heading out to Put-in-Bay for the day! Locations across the island will be hosting education stations to learn more about the lake, its historic significance, and more! Lake Erie Awareness Day is an annual event dedicated to celebrating the lake and […]

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    Clean-up round-up for August

    Want to get involved in making an impact on your community? Look no further! There are several clean-ups we are looking forward to this month, and we hope to see you there. Sign up now! Sign-up for our upcoming programs, including Get the Lead Out and Clean Your Streams 365. Volunteer opportunities are on our […]

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    Don’t bug out, come to BugFest!

    Metroparks Toledo will be hosting BugFest at Swan Creek Preserve on Saturday August 24th from 10am-1pm. Celebrate with us and other local partners, and see what all the buzz is about! We are excited to announce that we will be joined by a variety of community partners who share our passion for the outdoors and […]

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    2024 April Currents

    30 Day Earth Month Challenge Happy Earth Month! We invite you to take on a 30-Day challenge to make sustainable changes that positively impact our planet. Make sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where we’ll be posting our 30 Ways in 30 Days. Who doesn’t love a little challenge? Whether you are up […]

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    2024 March Currents

    Farewell Kris, and Good Luck! Time flies, doesn’t it? Back in 2007, a brand new watershed organization was ready for staff and I was looking for part-time work. It was a great fit and as my kids grew so did the organization. Before I knew it, we were securing really big grants and I needed […]

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    2024 February Currents

    Welcoming our New Staff Member! Welcome to our new Communication and Outreach Specialist! Mary earned her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a specialization in Sustainable Management from Bowling Green State University in 2022. Growing up in the Northwest Ohio region, her academic and professional careers have been influenced by being surrounded by the Oak […]

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