Clean Your Streams’ Youth Group Profile

    Partners for Clean Streams would like to highlight a group that made a huge impact for this year’s Clean Your Streams Day. The Teen Outreach Program (TOP) won the Youth Challenge of Most Volunteers with 67 volunteers. TOP is a service learning group, facilitated through the YWCA of Northwest Ohio comprised of young men and […]

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    NorthWest Ohio Community Shares Campaign

    The Northwest Ohio Community Shares Campaigns are still going on in multiple workplaces around Toledo! This workplace giving campaign goes to support a variety of 26 small, local non-profit organizations here in northwest Ohio. For this campaign, donations to the campaign can be simply given with payroll deductions when you enroll or as a one-time […]

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    Clean Your Streams: An Overwhelming Success

    The Clean Your Streams planning team has finally waded through the data cards and the final numbers are in! An amazing 1,175 people participated in the 16th Annual Clean Your Streams event. Together they collected 18,822 pounds of trash in just 2.5 hours. That’s the weight of four average-sized cars. Volunteers filled 903 trash bags […]

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    Are you part of PCS?

    Not a member of Partners for Clean Streams yet but want to be part of making a visible impact for our waterways? Become a member of Partners for Clean Streams! With your membership, you will receive our Currents E-newsletter, updates on events and projects, voting rights at the Annual General Meeting, free water bottle and […]

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    Northwest Ohio Community Shares Campaigns

    Northwest Ohio Community Shares workplace giving campaigns are now underway! This workplace giving campaign goes to support 26 small, local non-profits here in northwest Ohio, including Partnesr for Clean Streams. Your support helps us promote clean, clear and safe streams and rivers for generations to come! You are now able to select Partners for Clean […]

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    Going after clean water Hook, Line and Sinker!

    This year’s Get the Lead Out! Program has been a huge success. With over 300 volunteer hours and 2 miles of river cleaned, this season has been record breaking! As our summer comes to a close, the Ocean Conservancy’s The Blog Aquatic has taken note of the great work our volunteers have done with Get […]

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    PCS Thanks YOU

    The 16th Annual Clean Your Streams could not have been possible without so much help from our many sponsors and our dedicated planning team. Our underwriter sponsors this year were BP-Husky Refining, First Solar, Lucas County Storm Water Utility, Johnson Controls, Perstorp Polyols, and The University of Toledo. Too many other great companies and organizations […]

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    16th Annual Clean Your Streams Success

    A record shattering, 1,165 volunteers joined us for the 16th Annual Clean Your Streams on Saturday, the 15th. With 9 kickoff location and at least 60 sites cleaned, dedicated volunteers removed bags of garbage, tires and many other large items from our local streams and rivers. Those numbers impressed even our planning team. And the […]

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    Camp Miakonda and Ottawa Restoration Project- Finally Moving Mud

    After carefully considering several bid proposal packages, PCS has awarded the Camp Miakonda Restoration Project to a local firm: Geo. Gradel Co. who has chosen Ecological Restoration to work alongside them as a subcontractor. With an expected ground-breaking next month, camp will be seeing several phases of construction throughout September and October. Gradel has decided […]

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