What I love most about Rivers is…

    By: Ava Slotnick, Outreach Coordinator A few weeks ago,I went on an adventurous boat trip down the Maumee River in Grand Rapids with my father and sister. While the trip wasn’t very long (2.5 hours), we saw an amazing variety of wildlife and were treated with many surprises along the way. There was a threat […]

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    Data Management and Delisting System to Aid Project Partners

    Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) is pleased to announce that Davey Resource Group has been selected to develop the Data Management and Delisting System (DMDS). The DMDS will be an online tool capable of aiding local stakeholders and federal and state agencies in making decisions regarding project suitability for the Remedial Action Plan program and […]

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    Urban Rivers Federal Partnership

    On Tuesday, May 14th, a few lucky people got a sneak peak at the newest Toledo Metropark, The Middlegrounds, for an exciting announcement about the Urban Waters Federal Partnership. This complex partnership connects several federal, regional and local agencies with the purpose of not only restoring rivers but bringing people closer to waterways by encouraging […]

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    Rallying for Rivers

    As staff, most of our time is spent in the office, staring at a computer writing reports, writing grants, organizing events or writing newsletter articles. Sometimes, however, we get to go out and learn from the rivers and other people. Recently, we (Paige and Ava) got to do just that. We went the National River […]

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    Manhattan Marsh Clean Up

    Poison Ivy, ticks, sweat and trash. Sounds miserable, right? That is what about 50 4th-7th grade students from Chase Elementary School and Owens Corning volunteers endured to remove about five dumpsters of trash and two dumpsters of just tires from Manhattan Marsh. On Thursday and Friday, May 16th and 17th, these dedicated volunteers removed all […]

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    Caught up with Get the Lead Out!

    The “weight” is over. Get the Lead Out is back and better than ever! Join us by removing derelict fishing gear from the Maumee River post walleye run. We have over 3 miles of the Maumee River between Perrysburg and Maumee to cover removing fishing line, lead, lures and hooks that have been left behind […]

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    2012 Annual Report is now live

    Do you remember what you did last year? We are so busy that we need a reminder of all the activities that went on in 2012. That’s why we created an Annual Report with help from Fruchtman Marketing Company. Our 2012 Annual Report is a great way to review our amazing accomplishments and get excited […]

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    Buy food, earn money for Rivers

    Are you enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards for Partners for Clean Streams?  If so, now is the time to renew and continue to earn rewards for Partners for Clean Streams. Every year in April and May, Kroger requires members to renew their Community Rewards membership. It’s easy to renew your membership.  Just sign into […]

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    Maumee RAP Spring Summit

    Join us for the Spring Maumee RAP Summit Thursday, May 16th from 9:30-12:30pm at the Toledo Public Library Locke Branch at 703 Miami St. in Toledo. Come hear presentations about new developments and projects happening around the Maumee Area of Concern.  For questions, contact Cherie Blair at 419-373-3010.

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    Slingin’ rocks for the good of the stream

    To continue our Stream Restoration Project, spring time follow-up work began at Camp Miakonda last month under direction from Dave Derrick from the Army Corps of Engineers. With the help of numerous partners and volunteers, the redirected Hartman Ditch received some grade control, bank stabilization, in-stream structures, and additional plantings to improve the eroding banks. […]

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