The Life of Fishing Line

    Every spring, thousands of anglers from across the country come to northwest Ohio to fish as several different species begin to travel upstream to spawn, including walleye and white bass. Fishing benefits the local community in many ways and offers an economic boost through tourism. However, sometimes what is left behind after these spring fishing […]

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    Adopt a Bin!

    Another great opportunity to help reduce the amount of fishing line left along our rivers is by adopting one of our fishing line recycling bins! Currently, we have 20 bins installed throughout the Toledo area at various parks and fishing hot spots. Some locations include International Park, Cullen Park, Orleans Park, Side Cut Metropark, and […]

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    Join Us for Get the Lead Out this Summer!

    We are excited to announce this year’s Get the Lead Out (GLO) public events! Join us for our first outing on June 13th, 6:00-8:00pm, at the Siegert Lake parking lot at Side Cut Metropark. Since the spring fishing runs, over three miles of the Maumee River between Perrysburg and Maumee need to be cleaned and […]

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    Camp Miakonda Turns 100

    This year, Camp Miakonda turns 100 and a much-deserved celebration is planned for May 20 at Camp. We have a proud history with Camp Miakonda and Erie Shores Council, one that has led to a lasting partnership. Partners for Clean Streams led a habitat restoration project along the banks of the upper Ottawa River (aka 10-Mile Creek) […]

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    Spend the Summer with PCS!

    Summer will be here before we know it and you know what that means? It’s time for PCS’s summer volunteer opportunities!! Two great ways that you can get involved with PCS this summer is through our annual programs, Get the Lead Out and Clean Your Streams 365. The water levels of the Maumee River are […]

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    Save the Date for 22nd Clean Your Streams Day!

    Mark your calendars for the 22nd Annual Clean Your Streams Day on September 22nd, 2018! Join us from 8:30-12:00pm to clean up local rivers and streams all around northwest Ohio. After the cleanup, we invite our volunteers to an Appreciation Picnic where we provide food, door prizes, challenge winners, and the coveted CYS t-shirt! The […]

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    Greening the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon

    For the second year, Partners for Clean Streams was an official charity partner of the 41st Mercy Health Glass City Marathon and the facilitating organization for the sustainability taskforce.  Sunday, April 23rd 2017 was another beautiful spring day for the over 8,000 runners who blazed the race routes across Toledo.  Much like last year, PCS […]

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    Local Youth Mark Drains for Earth Day

    Thank you to the 12 volunteers who participated in Storm Drain Marking on April 22, to celebrate Earth Day and Global Youth Service Day! Brownie Troop 11663 marked 9 storm drains in West Toledo with medallions and distributed 125 informational flyers to residents of that neighborhood.  The youth volunteers also removed and cleared all leaves […]

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    We Want You! Spring Stream Cleanups

    Partners for Clean Streams is seeking volunteers for two stream cleanups coming up in the next few weeks! – Saturday, May 6th from 9:00-11:00am. Meet at the Walbridge Township Office, 111 N. Main St., Walbridge OH 43465. – Saturday, May 13th from 9:00-12:00pm. Meet at Orleans Park in Perrysburg off Front St., near the Perrysburg/Maumee […]

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    Plant with a Purpose

    Spring is finally here – birds are chirping, tulips and daffodils are starting to come up, and you may be thinking to yourself, “What should I plant in the garden this year?” Here are a few tips on what to plant that will make your garden beautiful and beneficial to local waterways! Native plants create […]

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