Just when you think its done, its not!

    Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) completed additional habitat and stream restoration efforts at Camp Miakonda in September. Last year, as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funded project, PCS addressed erosion concerns along the Ottawa River and connected tributaries, excavated over 10,000 cubic yards of sediment from Lake Sawyer, treated invasive species like reed […]

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    Clean Your Streams Success!

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank you! The PCS staff and planning team could not be more pleased with how the 17th Annual Clean Your Streams Day went on Saturday the 21st of September. As part of the International Coastal Cleanup and Ohio’s Coastweeks program, Clean Your Streams had 941 volunteers this year. We worked from […]

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    What does an internship mean?

    By Josh Jackson When I first applied for this internship I did not know if I would get the job or really what it would entail. Once I was accepted I got really excited because I just switched from education to environmental science so it was great to already start working towards a new career. […]

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    Ecological Conference means Stories

    By Kyle Spicer At the end of July, I was fortunate enough to attend the National Conference on Ecological Restoration in Schaumberg, IL. Before I get into that, I should tell you that I still consider myself the new guy. My two year anniversary of working with Partners for Clean Streams as the Project Coordinator […]

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