The Maumee Reminds us of Her Might (again)

    By Kris Patterson The Mighty Maumee. A nickname well earned over the last year or so. The last year has been one for the record books – especially when it relates to water in many forms and in many ways. Since January of 2014, the Toledo region has had record snowfalls and bizarre ice events […]

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    Love for the River turns into Internship

    My name is Ali Luedtke and I joined the Partners for Clean Streams team this summer as an intern. I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to get some real world experience working in the environment and organizing events. In past years through the ZooTeen Program, I was able to attend […]

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    Clean Your Streams 365, a new clean twist

    Are you tired of waiting for Clean Your Streams Day? Now you can do your own cleanup whenever you want with our new program: Clean Your Streams 365! With funding from the Toledo Community Foundation and a Litter Grant from the Ohio EPA, we are specifically targeting river sites that need more frequent cleaning than […]

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    Our Rivers Need a Helping Hand

    Do you want to help out your local community in a fun and exciting way? Join PCS on July 14th from 6-8pm and July 28th from 5-8pm for “Get the Lead Out!” It’s a cleanup program that allows volunteers to have a clear and direct impact on improving wildlife habitat in and around the river […]

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