Water Tips: Winter Edition

    Looks like it is going to be a cold and snowy winter folks. But that doesn’t mean we stop thinking about our water resource and how our actions affect it. Here are some tips for water conservation, awareness, and protection in the winter months.   If your pipes are poorly insulated or are on a […]

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    Welcome New Board Members!

    Deanna Bobak – Deanna has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Geology from The University of Toledo, as well as a Masters in Business. She teaches and conducts research at The University of Toledo and Davis College. She has volunteered with PCS, Girl Scouts, as well as other local groups. Welcome Deanna! Jeff Gibbs – Jeff […]

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    Celebrating 2016 at the Annual General Meeting

    To celebrate the accomplishments of 2016, Partners for Clean Streams hosted our Annual General Meeting on November 17th, 2016. In attendance were many of our community partners, board members, and volunteers who help make what we do possible. We celebrated with delicious food, good conversations, and a summary of all that PCS and our volunteers […]

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    Jump Start our New Year!

    Donate to PCS to start the New Year off right! Your support in the early days of 2017 will provide us with the necessary funds to start planning and preparing supplies for all of our 2017 programs.  Any donation, big or small, makes a difference. What better New Year’s resolution than to give back to […]

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    Register for Patch Day!

    It’s time for the 15th Annual Youth Patch Day Workshop! The Workshop will be held on Sunday, March 5th 2017 from 1:30-4:30pm for children Kindergarten through 5th grade.  The cost is $5.00.  It will be held at the University of Toledo Student Union in the Ingman Room (#2520) with free parking.  Check-in is at 1:00pm […]

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