Meet Our Intern – Barbie Kalta

    Barbie Kalta has been helping us prepare for Clean Your Streams Day by interning at PCS.  She is a senior at BGSU, majoring in Environmental Science with a focus on Watershed Management.  She is using her internship here to gain experience in planning, communicating, and educating in the environmental field.  Prior to PCS, she interned at Solon Wastewater […]

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    Track Your Trash

    PCS uses data cards during Clean Your Streams Day to track not only trash, but trends in trash.  CYS volunteers use the data cards to indicate the specific type, quantity, and volume of marine debris that they pick up. After PCS staff receives them back, we carefully configure the total data from the day into a global […]

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    Thank You Clean Your Streams Supporters!

    We couldn’t pull off Clean Your Streams Day without the generous support from sponsors, partners, volunteers, and planning team members.  We would like to express our gratitude to our generous donors who believe in clean, clear, and safe water by financially supporting Clean Your Streams 2018. And it’s not too late to make a donation, so […]

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    Clean Your Streams 22 Recap

    We had an amazing 22nd Annual Clean Your Streams Day on Saturday, September 22nd! Over 1,000 volunteers came out to our seven kick-off sites throughout the greater Toledo area.  Luckily, it cooled down from the 90-degree highs we had during the work week for superb clean up conditions.  We are currently working to tally all the data cards, […]

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