We Love the Great(est) Lakes – Lake Erie

    We work year-round to protect our local waterways that feed into Lake Erie.   We hope you will join us in working for clean, clear, and safe water through any of our annual programs.  We are looking for volunteers, sponsors, and donors to support our mission of healthy communities and healthy rivers, streams, and lake.  There are so many ways to get involved […]

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    PCS Partner Profile: Marilyn DuFour

    Marilyn DuFour is a Senior Environmental Specialist for the City of Toledo – Environmental Services. She has worked for the City for over 20 years.  Marilyn has been involved in our Clean Your Streams Day as a Kickoff Coordinator since 2000.  (That’s 19 years!)  She is also very involved in the Rain Garden Initiative.  Her environmental passion stems from an […]

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    Goodbye Program Coordinator Paul Fuzinski

    We are sad to say that Paul Fuzinski, our Program Coordinator for the past two years, has left PCS.  We would like to thank Paul for all his efforts to grow our programs during his time here and increase partnerships with other local organizations.  Paul graduated from the University of Toledo with an Anthropology degree and is […]

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    Patch Day Registration is Open!

    We are excited to announce that registration is now open for our 17th Annual Partnering for Clean Streams Youth Patch Day Workshop.  This program is open to 2nd – 5th grade Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and any other youth interested in learning about our local water quality.  It will be held on Sunday, March 3rd with check-in starting at 1:00pm […]

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