Donate on Giving Tuesday

    Help your waterways by donating to an organization that works every day to educate, lead volunteers, and provide guidance to local municipalities for cleaner waterways! Partners for Clean Streams is excited to announce our participation in #GivingTuesdayNWO 2021! #GivingTuesday is a global movement to give back to charities that help make communities better places to […]

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    2021 Annual General Meeting

    The Annual General Meeting is coming soon! Watch our social media, or your email, for the dates and how to sign -up! This year we are trying a hybrid format – come if you can or join in online. All Challenge Awards winners from Clean Your Streams Day, PCS partners, and Board Members are invited […]

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    Clean Your Streams 25: By the Numbers

    Volunteers persevered through a rainy morning for a successful 25th Anniversary of Clean Your Streams. Now that we have had some time to sort through soggy data cards, we are excited to offer a more detailed breakdown of the trash volunteers collected. In total, 479 volunteers collected 8175.85 pounds of trash across 52 sites cover […]

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    Getting to Know Our Microplastics: Foam

    Microplastics are plastics that are less than 5 mm in size and a lot about them is unknown. Research has shown that microplastics can cause physical harm to wildlife when ingested. Microplastics can absorb other chemicals such as trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, and some pathogens. Initial research has also suggested that plastic additives […]

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