Welcome Back, Kayla! Reintroducing Our Staff

    We’re delighted to welcome back our former Program Intern Kayla Kirkpatrick as our new Program Coordinator. Kayla interned with us last summer and autumn, and was a volunteer leader on many Clean Your Streams 365 and Get the Lead Out clean-ups. She also helped immensely behind-the-scenes with Clean Your Streams, plus kept the volunteer appreciation […]

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    Earth Month Opportunities

    Although every day is Earth Day to us, this April is packed full of volunteer opportunities. We’ve got the run-down of all the ways you can connect with us and give back to your local waterways this month. You can always check our calendar for the latest information, but here are some highlights to look […]

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    River-Friendly Spring Lawn Care Guide, Part 2

    Last month, we began our river-friendly spring lawn care guide with tips about seed planting and fertilizer use. With April showers on our minds, we’re turning now to tips for watering and mowing. Learn how to save money while saving water. Smart Watering Don’t water on a set schedule. Water only when the grass or […]

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    Spotlight on Keep Toledo-Lucas County Beautiful

    Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful’s focus on trash-free land makes them a natural ally to our work on trash-free water! Since every Earth Month we work together to coordinate the “Green Team,” now’s the perfect time to shine a spotlight on some of their other programs. Since 2020, KTLCB has co-coordinated the “Green Team” at the […]

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