Registration Open for the 27th Annual Clean Your Streams

    Join Northwest Ohio’s largest watershed clean-up, now in its 27th year. Register here for one of seven kickoff locations or our clean-on-your-own Remote Kickoff week. Learn more about our updated challenge competitions, from photo challenges like “Best Before and After” and “Strangest Find,” to our challenges for youth and collegiate groups. Make a lasting impact […]

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    Get Outside this Summer with Get the Lead Out!

    Sign up to Get the Lead Out and help make our shores safer for wildlife and more welcoming for recreation. GLO is our marine debris removal program targeting tangled line, lead sinkers, lures, and other fishing trash that could harm wildlife in the Maumee River. Weather and water-levels permitting, join us for one of these family-friendly […]

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    Lake Erie Starts Here: Focus on Marine Debris

    This month, we’re highlighting how marine debris travels through stormwater, creeks, and ditches, and how we can all help stem the tide. After all, since it’s a human-caused problem, that means the solutions are human-powered. Marine debris, or waterway trash, is an ongoing issue locally and around the world. One study from the University of […]

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    Become A Clean Your Streams Sponsor

    Sponsoring Clean Your Streams allows local businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits to demonstrate commitment and leadership towards clean, clear, and safe water. Learn more about CYS sponsorship recognition and benefits. Sponsorship allows Partners for Clean Streams to continue our ongoing programs, as well as to prepare for growth. Sponsorship supports Clean Your Streams planning and […]

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