2023 Annual Reflection: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

    What are we celebrating from 2023? • The successful first water quality monitoring season for Community Water Action in Toledo (CWAT). This regional partnership engaged more than 60 volunteers in over 100 sampling events across 18 sampling sites on three rivers, collecting important citizen science data. More on CWAT.• Creating educational website content and coordinating […]

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    Environmentally-Friendly Holiday Shopping

    Holiday shopping, wrapping, and gifting oh my! So what can you do with the environment in mind? There’s always the usual tips – like using reusable bags when you go out shopping but there’s also some more creative ones that we’ve come across lately. For instance, did you know that most wrapping paper isn’t recyclable? […]

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    2023 Updates from the Maumee Area of Concern

    Earlier this year, the Maumee AOC achieved a major milestone: BUI 11, Degradation of Aesthetics, was removed! We’re offering a refresher on what we do as facilitating organization, what this removal means, and why it matters. The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC) works for fishable, swimmable, and drinkable waters within the Maumee AOC through restoration […]

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    2023 Annual Stewardship and Involvement Award

    Congratulations to Marilyn Lodge, dedicated Clean Your Streams volunteer and the recipient of our annual Environmental Stewardship & Involvement award. Ms. Lodge is a quiet, but persistent, force behind the huge volunteer breakfast and many raffle prizes for CYS Day! Marilyn Lodge started volunteering for the Ottawa River kickoff even before it was held at […]

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