Cultivating Roots in Today’s Youth

    Thank you and congratulations to the 69 youth who participated in the 14th Annual Partnering for Clean Streams Youth Patch Day Workshop on Sunday, March 6th. Seven groups of energetic children from kindergarten through fifth grade earned the blue and white embroidered Partnering for Clean Streams patch by participating in our unique water education stations. […]

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    Put your Sidewalk & Driveway on a Low-salt Diet

    It is cold outside and now more than ever, your water needs protecting! Water can easily get polluted in the winter months, especially from using de-icers for snow and ice removal. Snow and ice melting products, known as de-icers, can have negative environmental impacts when melted snow and ice carry the chemicals into our ditches, […]

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    Let’s Cure your Cabin Fever

    The winter months in Northwest Ohio are unpredictable, especially this year. But sure enough, the cold and snow have arrived, and so too has cabin fever – the feeling that we are trapped indoors, because of wintery conditions, until the tulips and daffodils arrive in spring. What many people don’t realize is that winter is […]

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    Ava is Leaving PCS in Good Hands

    One thing I love about nature is that it never stops changing. Even if the rocks stay the same for millions of years, the ground and sky above them teems with life, ever changing.  Somewhere the sun is setting, while somewhere else, the sun is rising. As does the earth, I must change and keep moving […]

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    Welcome to the Board, Chris Smalley

    Chris Smalley, Certified Park and Recreational Professional, is the Park Services Supervisor for the Metroparks of the Toledo Area where he manages Farnsworth, Providence and Bend View Metroparks, as well as the Blue Creek Conservation Area.  He holds a degree in Environmental Studies & Land Use Planning from State University of New York, College of […]

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    Jessica is Here to Talk with You

    My name is Jessica Batanian and it is an honor to be the new Communications and Outreach Specialist for Partners for Clean Streams. I am thrilled to be a part of an organization that strives to make our community, both the people and the environment, a better place. I grew up in Sylvania, Ohio and […]

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    Moving Education outside the Classroom

    My name is Mike Mathis and I am ecstatic to become the new Program Coordinator for Partners for Clean Streams.  Becoming a part of Partners for Clean Streams has been an interesting journey for me.  My enthusiasm for the outdoors started when I was a kid fishing on Lake Huron with my grandpa and taking […]

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