AmazonSmile for Clean Water

    PCS has partnered with Kroger and AmazonSmile to earn rewards when customers choose PCS to receive a portion of the profits upon purchasing items. Set up your Kroger Community Rewards membership with your Kroger Card and use AmazonSmile instead of the normal Amazon site with PCS as your chosen organization. AmazonSmile is the same store […]

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    Change for LITTERal Change

    Partners for Clean Streams is dedicated to the waterways of the greater Toledo area, but we depend on your support. So we started a challenge to everyone who enjoys our local rivers. We want to know – Can your group, business, or family bring and create the most change for clean water? Every year, hundreds […]

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    Earth Day Every Day

    April 22nd was the 45th Earth Day for our nation and all April long, many people celebrated Earth Month. Now that it is May, we cannot forget to keep taking care of our planet’s resources. PCS has just the right things to help you keep your eco-friendly habits up and even start new ones. You […]

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    Kids take to the streets-for water and Earth Day

    Thank you to the 134 volunteers that took to the streets on April 18th for Storm Drain Marking. You marked over 380 storm drains and dropped off educational material to 1070 homes. You reminded citizens that storm drains lead straight to the nearest ditch, creek, or waterway without being filtered. These dedicated volunteers from church […]

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