CYS 24 Success!

    You continue to astound us. The pandemic may have whittled the number of volunteers for this event but the impacts made were still enormous. So far, our Clean Swell tally shows that together we removed 1,693.06 pounds of marine debris from our waterways; but wait, there’s more! We are still processing the written data cards […]

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    Conservation Week

    We are excited to showcase the Virtual Conservation Week for the Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District. There will be videos, trivia, photo contest, and more! Plus, our Executive Director, Kris, will also be making an appearance during that week to talk about water quality! Mark your calendar for October 25th-31st and follow Lucas Soil […]

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    Leaf It Be? Never!

    Fall brings out extraordinary colors in our trees. Hues of reds, yellows, and orangey foliage grace the sky, our yards, and storm drains! Storm drains are an important part of redirecting excess water so our neighborhoods do not flood. This is why it is important that our neighbors know that leaves in storm drains impact […]

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