Don’t Leaf it Alone!

    Fall brings out extraordinary colors in our trees. Hues of reds, yellows, and orangey foliage grace the sky, our yards, and storm drains! Storm drains are an important part of redirecting excess water so our neighborhoods do not flood. This is why it is important that our neighbors know that leaves in storm drains impact […]

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    Getting to know our Microplastics: Fragments

    Microplastics are plastics that are less than 5 mm in size and a lot about them is unknown. Research has shown that microplastics can cause physical harm to wildlife when ingested. Microplastics can absorb other chemicals, such as trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, and some pathogens. Initial research has also suggested that plastic additives […]

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    A Successful Silver Anniversary

    Despite the rain, the Silver Anniversary of Clean Your Streams Day was successful – all because of you! After processing the (wet) data cards we are proud to announce that together we removed 7,613 pounds of trash; but wait more details on what was found will be coming soon! Interesting finds included an office chair, […]

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