Give your rivers a Gift

    As we take time to slow down at the end of another whirlwind year, we reflect and appreciate the incredible work that has taken place in the past year. With this reflection, we gain a deep appreciation for our partners, volunteers and our extraordinary rivers, creeks and lakes. And we look to our supporters to […]

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    A Re-launching Blitz at the AOC Summit

    We re-launched the RAP Committee,, the new DMDS, and a new local grant opportunity. So that’s what a re-launching blitz looks like! For those that missed it, read on for a summary and visit for more information. If nothing else in this industry, we love our acronyms. So bear with us while we […]

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    A River Hero Recognized

    Clean Stream Partner Awards are given to a “river hero” who has done remarkable work in favor of clean, clear and safe rivers. This person has shown passion and dedication for years in bringing people together to solve large, complex issues. This year, the award goes to Kurt Erichsen. Kurt began his career by receiving […]

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    Annual General Meeting Recap

    Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Annual General Meeting at the Ward Pavilion last month. The evening was quite chilly but the warmth of friendly, happy people and conversation, made up for it. Shankland’s Catering had a variety of foods and people enjoyed wine from Majestic Oak Winery. The presentation included all […]

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