Binge on Water…Documentaries

    As the winter months roll on and we hunker down inside binging our favorite series on Netflix or Hulu, sometimes these nights all seem to roll together to pass the time. While watching the Queen’s Gambit in a couple of nights was riveting, we are now left looking for the next intriguing thing to watch. […]

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    Giving Recap

    Thank you to all the generous donors that gave on Giving Tuesday. Together you help raise $1,155 for Giving Tuesday. We had a lovely response on Giving Tuesday but fell a little short of our fundraising goal for the day, but we did have an anonymous donor who matched $500 dollars of donations! Though we […]

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    Be a Little Less Salty this Winter

    De-icers are great for keeping us safe when we drive or go for walks in the wintertime. But too many de-icers in our waterways can cause permeant damage. Municipalities and homeowners often employ the use of salt to de-ice roads and sidewalks. While this makes it safer to drive or walk, it often creates a […]

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    A New Year, A New Hope

    Though the months, weeks, and days all seemed to blur together, one thing we can tell you with clarity is it is finally 2021. 2020 brought change to our programming so we adjusted to make them as safe as possible so we could continue our mission for clean, clear, and safe waterways. At the start […]

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