The Ottawa River is growing beautifully!

    Have you had the chance to check out the Ottawa River through the University of Toledo’s campus recently? Since the “construction” phase of the restoration has been completed for the University of Toledo Ottawa River Restoration Project, many invasive, harmful plants have been replaced by native trees and shrubs that are perfect for river bank […]

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    Stream Restoration Design Workshop is Canceled

    The Stream Restoration Design: An Advanced Workshop, scheduled for the week of July 21st, has been canceled due to lack of registrations. We assume that everyone is out boating, fishing or playing in the beautiful rivers instead of coming to the workshop, which we understand. Watch our website for announcements for future opportunities.  

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    Summer Volunteer Opportunites

    We are currently recruiting volunteers for Storm Drain Marking and Get the Lead Out through August. Both volunteer opportunities are great ways for your volunteer group to improve our local waterways and ecosystems. For Storm Drain Marking, volunteers mark storm drains along neighborhood streets and parking lots, reminding everyone that drains lead straight to the […]

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    Challenge Yourself this year!

    Although Clean Your Streams is an exciting and gratifying event in itself, our most engaged cleanup teams have the opportunity to win different Challenge Competition Awards, including the newest Challenge, Change for Change. The friendly competitions between Youth, Corporate, Collegiate, and Organizational groups are a fun way to motivate all volunteers in making the largest […]

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    Clean Your Streams is coming soon!

    It is that time of year to round up your team to promote clean, clear, and safe waters in our local communities. Clean Your Streams (CYS) will be celebrating its 18th year of successfully removing debris from streams, river banks, and watersheds in Toledo and surrounding areas and you are invited. This year, on the […]

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