CYS 365 on Your Phone! 

    The sky is blue, the wind is blowing through the trees, summertime is in the air, and there is litter on the ground…wait, gross. On your walks and family-outings, we encourage you to do mini clean-ups to help keep our waterways beautiful all summer long. We have long partnered with the Ocean Conservancy and we […]

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    Recycling during COVID  

    Recycling can sometimes feel underwhelming; simply putting a bottle or cardboard box does not feel like a huge step to help our environment and our waterways. It’s hard to remember the huge impacts recycling has. Every item that you recycle is one less in a mountain of trash, one happier fish that isn’t caught in […]

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    Rain Barrel Purchase Opportunity Extended!

    Calling all home gardeners and environmental enthusiasts! If you were considering purchasing a rain barrel or compost bin through the opportunity we announced in April, but time got away from you, please read on! Due to Covid-19 precautions, the order and pick-up dates have been extended from May to July. Aside from the date change, […]

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    Celebrate 24 Years of Clean Your Streams!

    Join us in celebrating the 24th year of Clean Your Streams Day and participate in a Northwest Ohio stream cleanup tradition! Over the course of the last 23 years, 13,976 volunteers have taken ownership of their waterways and made a difference in their community by cleaning up designated stream sites each Clean Your Streams Day. […]

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