Other Accomplishments

    PCS has done many other things this year. Our new website was released at the end of April and the new version of our E-newsletter, “Currents”, is now in full working order. Our first Annual Report was completed. We led many one-time public education events this year with local universities, Boy Scouts of America, Girl […]

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    16th Annual Clean Your Streams Day

    The 16th Annual Clean Your Streams Day saw an astounding 1,175 participants this year. What an overwhelming demonstration of our caring for local rivers and streams in our communities! Volunteers of all ages removed 18,822 pounds of trash from 38 miles of local area streams and rivers. With 60 land sites and 2 boat sites, […]

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    8th Annual Get the Lead Out!

    During the 8th Annual Get the Lead Out! this summer, we broke records with number of volunteers, distance covered and amount of lead collected.  Volunteers walked through and around the Maumee River removing derelict, potentially harmful fishing line, hooks and lead sinkers from the environment. A total of 64 volunteers covered 2.5 miles of the […]

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    10th Annual Youth Patch Day Workshop

    On March 4th, at the 10th Annual Youth Patch Day Workshop, 84 participants earned badges by taking part in eight activities focusing on various water conservation subjects. These activities are designed to get the participating youth to become knowledgeable, active citizens for our environment. The activities included water gardens, recycling, waste treatment, water cycle and […]

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    PCS Membership

    Did you know that you could join PCS and help support our programs all year long? Whether a student, professional, or business partner, your membership allows us to match more grants, bringing more resources to the community to improve our local waterways. Your membership also provides direct support to our programs, especially for items that […]

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    PCS in the Spotlight

    PCS has been in the media multiple times this year. You may have seen these before, but check out this year’s highlights here! Get the Lead Out!  from The Toledo Blade, by Matt Markey on June 10th, 2012 Hook, Line and Sinker  from The Ocean Conservancy, The Blog Aquatic, by Catherine Fox on September 12th, […]

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    Living out the Giving in Thanksgiving Year-Round

    Every year, at Thanksgiving time, I am reminded to pause and reflect on my blessings. Of course, like many of you, those thoughts usually center on family, well-being, and helping provide for my family. But this year, I am also trying to intentionally think about those often over-looked fundamentals. Fundamental blessings like open and green […]

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    Clean Streams Partner Award

    Every year, we present the Clean Streams Partner Award to an incredible leader in local water conservation. This person cannot shoot laser beams from their eyes but instead, works wonders through dedication and commitment for our local waterways. This year’s Clean Streams Partner is Terry Shankland. Terry has been involved with the Maumee RAP and […]

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